Reminder to act responsibly as duck season draws to a close


The Game Management Authority is reminding everyone involved in the 2018 duck season to act safely, responsibly and legally as the 2018 duck hunting season will draw to a close this weekend.

The Game Management Authority is reminding everyone involved in the 2018 duck season to act safely, responsibly and legally as the 2018 duck hunting season will draw to a close this weekend.

Game Management Authority (GMA) CEO Greg Hyams encourages hunters to act responsibly, observe all relevant laws and use the remainder of the season to educate new and junior hunters.

"Hunters must be licensed, use non-toxic shot, adhere to bag limits, abide by the new regulations regarding bird retrieval and meat salvage and hunt only at those the times of the day when hunting is allowed," Mr Hyams said.

"Anyone caught doing the wrong thing risks receiving significant penalties, including fines of up to $38,000, jail terms, cancellation of Game and Firearm licenses, and seizure of firearms and hunting equipment."

Mr Hyams is also reminding protestors to ensure they act in a safe and responsible manner.

"While those who oppose duck hunting have a right to protest, they must do so safely and legally. There are significant penalties should protestors unlawfully enter in, or remain on a specified hunting area, or interfere with or harass hunters," Mr Hyams said.

"Public safety laws are in place to protect the broader community, hunters, authorised officers and protestors themselves."

"Offenders that unlawfully enter in, or remain on a specified hunting area can receive a maximum penalty of $9,514 and be issued with a banning notice. Magistrates can further impose exclusion orders. Penalties of up to $19,000 apply for breaching these notices and orders."

Victoria's 2018 duck season closes on Monday, 11 June. The bag limit remains at the standard 10 birds per person per day and hunting of the Blue-winged Shoveler is prohibited due to persistent low numbers of the species.

GMA Game Officers, Victoria Police and other authorised officers from DELWP, DEDJTR and Parks Victoria will remain active throughout private and public land across the state for the remainder of the season to ensure people act in a safe and responsible manner.

Hunters and the general public are urged to report any illegal hunting or persons flouting the public safety laws to the GMA through its website or the Customer Service Centre on 136 186 or by contacting Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or Victoria Police.

Details of the 2018 duck season, including fact sheets in various languages and information about any wetland closures and re-openings, are available on the GMA website.