The irresponsible or illegal behaviour of some damages the reputation of hunters and can create unsafe or unsustainable situations. It is important that responsible and legal hunters encourage the rest of the community to do the right thing and do not tolerate illegal or irresponsible behaviour. 

Help protect your recreation and promote sustainable and responsible hunting by reporting suspected offences on the form below or by telephoning Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or the Customer Service Centre on 136 186. 

All reports and information received are treated as confidential and the source of the information is kept private.  You can remain anonymous if you wish, although it assists investigating officers if they can contact you for further details.

It may not be possible to respond to your report immediately, however, the information provided will be stored in an intelligence database and will help to identify offenders, patterns of offending and can assist with strategically targeting high risk illegal behaviour.

Hunt responsibly and don't tolerate illegal hunting.

Date and time of incident *
(i.e. name of public land, nearest road or cross road and/or GPS coordinates e.g. Eildon National Park, Eildon-Jamieson Road, 37 17 52 S, 146 05 39 E)
(Please include a description of what they were wearing, approx. age, build, complexion, hair length & colour e.g. Light skinned male, large build, short brown hair, about 30-35 years old, wearing camo top and blaze orange backpack)
(Include number of vehicles, registration, make, model, colour and distinguishing features)