Statement from the GMA - Duck season advice
22/01/2021The GMA will provide a recommendation on the 2021 duck season to the Victorian Government in due course.
Victoria is establishing a permit system for all domestic travel into Victoria.
11/01/2021From 5:59pm on 11 January, you will need to apply for a permit to enter Victoria from anywhere in Australia.
Hunters' knowledge survey results
22/12/2020The GMA commissioned research into the level of hunter knowledge to find out how much Game Licence holders know about game hunting in Victoria, including hunting laws, firearms safety and good hunting practice.
Hunters harvest higher number of deer in Victoria
11/11/2020Research into deer hunting, released by the Game Management Authority (GMA), shows an increase in the number of licensed recreational deer hunters and an increase in the number of deer harvested in 2019.
Aerial duck survey trial to ensure sustainable hunting in Victoria
04/11/2020The GMA is conducting helicopter surveys across Victoria to monitor the abundance of game duck populations, to help ensure duck hunting remains sustainable.
Safely reopening Victoria
26/10/2020The coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap for reopening provides steps on easing restrictions, dependent on how many active coronavirus (COVID-19) cases are in the community and public health advice.
Restrictions update
27/09/2020The coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap to reopening outlines the steps for easing restrictions across Victoria, subject to 'trigger points' being met and public health advice.
Restrictions announced for metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria
03/08/2020The Victorian Government has announced updated restrictions for Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Victorian Government announces new restrictions for Melbourne’s hot zones
10/07/2020Latest restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire.

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