
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update


Stay home. Protect our health system. Save lives.Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has advised that to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), you must not leave your home to go hunting.

No ducking hefty penalties for hunting without licences


Two men have been forced to pay $5,000 each and have had their firearms seized and destroyed for committing a number of hunting and firearm offences in northern Victoria.

2020 duck hunting season arrangements


The Victorian Government has today announced arrangements for the 2020 duck hunting season including changes to the season length, opening weekend start times and the daily bag limit.

Authority Chair To Continue The Game Plan


The Andrews Labor Government has extended Brian Hine’s term as chair of the Game Management Authority for a further three years from 1 July 2020.

App Maps Give Victorian Hunters More


It’s now easier for Victorian hunters to find out where they can legally hunt across the state with the release of the Andrews Labor Government’s new electronic hunting maps.

Continued crack down on illegal deer hunting


Two men have been forced to pay $500 each to the Magistrates’ Court Fund and have received good behaviour bonds for committing illegal hunting offences in north-east Victoria.

Highest deer harvest recorded in Victoria


Latest research into deer hunting in Victoria shows the highest number of licensed recreational deer hunters harvesting the highest number of deer recorded.

NSW woman convicted, fined for hunting illegally in Victoria


A woman from New South Wales has been convicted, forced to pay more than $1200 in fines and costs and ordered to forfeit a set of deer antlers for committing illegal hunting offences in Victoria.

Poachers fail to dodge the bullet


Two men from Taggerty and Mansfield have been fined more than $6000 and have been forced to forfeit firearms, tools and prohibited items for committing a number of hunting and firearm related offences in North East Victoria.

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