Guns destroyed and penalties for illegal hunting offences


Two men from Melbourne have pleaded guilty in the Werribee Magistrates’ Court to illegal spotlighting, firearm offences and shooting protected wildlife in Abbeyard near the Alpine National Park.

Two men from Melbourne have pleaded guilty in the Werribee Magistrates’ Court to illegal spotlighting, firearm offences and shooting protected wildlife in Abbeyard near the Alpine National Park.

The men were fined, ordered to pay court costs, placed on 12 month good behaviour bonds and had their firearms, spotlights and hunting equipment forfeited and destroyed.

Game Management Authority (GMA) Authorised Officers targeted the area after community members and hunters reported illegal hunting activity occurring at night.

GMA Officers intercepted the offenders in their 4WD vehicle after observing the men travelling slowly along the West Buffalo Track, holding a firearm and aiming spotlights into the bush.

Upon inspection officers found a loaded centrefire rifle and a rimfire rifle in the back seat of the vehicle, along with loose ammunition, four spotlights, three dead brushtail possums, and other hunting equipment.

GMA Director of Compliance and Intelligence Zac Powell said, “people who hunt in Victoria have a responsibility to know and follow the law—and those who break it will be caught and held accountable.”

“Illegal spotlighting, hunting protected wildlife and irresponsible behaviour is dangerous and can put communities, properties, wildlife and livestock at risk,” Mr Powell said.

“Those who break the law face significant fines and penalties, they may be prosecuted, have their equipment confiscated and lose their Game and Firearms Licences. In some cases, offenders may face jail terms.”

“When hunters and community members report illegal spotlighting, they are helping the GMA and partner agencies to target problem areas and protect their communities.”

Community members, including hunters, campers and local residents are urged to report illegal spotlighting to the GMA through its website at or by calling 136 186.

The GMA assesses all reports of illegal behaviour and works closely with its partner agencies to conduct enforcement and compliance operations across Victoria.