2024 game bird harvest report now available


The Game Management Authority (GMA) has today released the Estimates of duck and Stubble Quail harvest in Victoria 2024 report.

The Game Management Authority (GMA) has today released the Estimates of duck and Stubble Quail harvest in Victoria 2024 report.

Results show an estimated 391,900 game ducks were harvested in 2024, which is 22 per cent above the long-term average of 320,000.

Of the 21,383 licensed duck hunters, 60 per cent actively hunted in 2024. On average, active duck hunters harvested an estimated 30.3 ducks during the season over an average of 8.9 days.

The three most commonly harvested species were the Pacific Black Duck (39 per cent of the total harvest), Grey Teal (25 per cent of the total harvest) and Australian Wood Duck (24 per cent of the total harvest).

The most popular hunting areas, with the highest numbers of ducks harvested, were around the towns of Sale, Kerang, Boort, Horsham, and Shepparton.

Results also show an estimated 457,400 Stubble Quail were harvested in 2024. This is almost triple the long-term average of 159,000 and is the second largest Stubble Quail harvest since telephone surveys began in 2009.

Of the 25,788 hunters licenced to hunt Stubble Quail, 22 per cent actively hunted in 2024. On average, active quail hunters harvested an estimated 79.4 Stubble Quail for the season over 8.5 days.

The most popular quail hunting areas were around the towns of Shepparton, Echuca, Rochester, Ballarat and Colac. The highest number of quail harvested were around the towns of Shepparton, Ballarat, Echuca, Rochester and Wangaratta.

GMA Director of Strategy and Research, Simon Toop said the research was based on information gathered from randomly selected licenced game bird hunters who voluntarily participated in the surveys.

“Favourable environmental and breeding conditions and more active hunters likely resulted in an increase in the number of ducks and quail harvested,” Mr Toop said.

“The information hunters provide helps build a stronger understanding of gamebird harvest trends and hunting activity in Victoria and I’d like to thank all hunters who participated in the surveys.”

Throughout 2024, approximately 3,458 licenced game bird hunters were surveyed to collect information about their hunting activity, including how many game birds were harvested, where hunting occurred, hunting methods used, and the species of game birds harvested.

The report provides estimates of the total harvests of ducks and Stubble Quail by Victorian Game Licence holders and provides insights on hunting activity during the seasons.

The report is produced annually by the GMA in collaboration with an independent telephone survey company and the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research.

For a full copy of the Estimates of duck and Stubble Quail harvest in Victoria 2024 report, visit gma.vic.gov.au/research/duck-research