Joint agency patrols in the High Country mark the start of seasonal road closures


Parks Victoria and Game Management Authority (GMA) Authorised Officers in northeast Victoria have recently begun patrols to mark the beginning of seasonal road closures in the Alpine National Park and adjoining state forest.

In previous years, there has been evidence of visitors, including hunters, illegally entering or passing through the Alpine National Park to undertake hunting activities. GMA Authorised Officers joined patrols checking hunting and firearms licences and ensuring hunting hounds meet the proper requirements in adjoining state forest.

Hound hunters are reminded to respect land boundaries, only hunt in legal areas and start hunts well away from private property or public land where hound hunting is not permitted.

On-the-spot fines for breaching a seasonal closure and for interfering with or damaging a gate or sign is $925 per offence. Those found to be hunting illegally or behaving irresponsibly can also be fined or prosecuted, have their equipment seized and/or lose their Game and Firearms Licences.

Find out more about seasonal road closures, got to the Parks Victoria website To find out where you can legally hunt in the Victorian high country, go to the Game Management Authority website

See Parks Victoria media release.