Victoria's Game Licensing system goes digital
Victoria’s new online game licensing system, My Game Licence (MyGL), is now available to all new, existing and prospective game hunters in Victoria.
Victoria’s new online game licensing system, My Game Licence (MyGL), is now available to all new, existing and prospective game hunters in Victoria.
MyGL is compatible with mobile devices, allowing people to easily apply for a Game Licence, update personal details, renew their Game Licence, book hound hunting and waterfowl identification tests, apply for Hog Deer tags, and transfer hound ownership.
Victoria has recently recorded more than 60,000 Game Licence holders, up from nearly 52,000 this time last year.
GMA CEO, Graeme Ford said all of Victoria’s Game Licence holders will benefit from the new online system, which provides education materials including eLearning modules for hunters, helping to ensure game hunting is conducted in a safe and sustainable way.
“MyGL will also be used to communicate important information to licensed hunters on changes to game hunting laws and regulations, including season arrangements.”
“The new online game licensing system is a modern approach to game licensing in Victoria, replacing the previous system where hunters were required to mail in their licence application and renewal requests,” Mr Ford said.
The new online game licensing system is a key deliverable in the Victorian Government’s $5.3 million Sustainable Hunting Action Plan 2016-2020, which aims for all Victorians to gain from growing the economic, environmental and social benefits of responsible, sustainable and safe hunting, now and into the future.
MyGL has been developed by the Game Management Authority (GMA). The GMA works with the community as an independent regulator overseeing game hunting in Victoria through education, research and enforcement.
For more information and to access MyGL, visit
Media contact: Nick Foster: 0417 293 365