Hazards and safety

Avian Influenza

Avian influenza, or bird flu, is a contagious disease of animals caused by Type A strains of influenza. Strains of avian influenza are categorised as either low pathogenicity (LPAI) or high pathogenicity (HPAI) depending on the potential severity of disease caused in poultry.

LPAI viruses naturally occur in wild birds in Australia, notably waterfowl and shorebirds, and typically do not cause severe disease.

A highly pathogenic strain of Avian Influenza (HPAI) (H5N1 clade has been circulating throughout much of North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and into Antarctica and its islands.  To date, the strain has yet to reach Oceania (Australia and New Zealand)._The emergence of this HPAI strain overseas means an increased risk that the virus will enter Australia via wild bird movements.  Note, the H5N1 strain is different from the H7 strain outbreaks that have occurred recently in parts of Victoria.

H5N1 HPAI is a highly contagious respiratory disease impacting poultry, wild birds, quail, pheasants, and other animals, including mammal species, including livestock, scavenger species and marine mammals, such as seals. It causes severe illness and death in many species. Although millions of domestic poultry and wild animals have been killed from avian influenza, transmission from animals to humans is rare.

Avian Influenza information for hunters
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Hunters need to be aware that ducks can carry avian influenza without appearing sick and showing any signs of illness.

The best protection from exposure is to ensure good hygiene is practiced when handling ducks or other game birds, regardless of them being alive or dead.

As a general precaution, hunters should not harvest, handle or eat birds that look sick or are found dead.

Avian Influenza causes flu-like symptoms in birds, including:

  • sudden death
  • lack of coordination, tremors, swimming in circles
  • twisted neck or other unusual posture
  • inability to stand or fly
  • difficulty breathing, coughing or sneezing
  • cloudiness or change in colour of the eyes
  • swelling of the head, neck and eyes
  • diarrhoea.

Hunters should:

1. AVOID contact with sick or dead wild birds or wildlife and their environment

2. RECORD what you see

3. REPORT to the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) by calling 136 186 or the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

  • Report clusters (5 or more) of sick or dead wild birds of any species, anywhere in Victoria.
  • Report even one:
  • sick or dead penguin or pelican
  • sick or dead bird of prey (e.g. hawks, owls, eagles)
  • sick or dead black swan
  • sick or dead marine mammal (e.g. seals, sea lions, dolphins)

Following a report, DEECA will evaluate the need for diagnostic testing or other investigation. Reporting will be key to early detection.

For more information on avian influenza, visit High pathogenic avian influenza - Wildlife Health Australia and  Avian influenza (bird flu) - DAFF.


In Victoria, warm and wet weather conditions can lead to ideal breeding conditions and high numbers of mosquitoes that can spread disease. In Victoria, mosquito-borne disease cases of Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus and, less frequently, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis and West Nile (Kunjin) viruses, have been recorded and the risks are greater in rural and regional Victoria. Peak activity for mosquitoes (dawn and dusk) coincides with the time most hunters are camping or active in the field.

Follow these simple steps to protect yourself against mosquitoes during your hunting trip.

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Mosquitoes need water to breed. Heavy rains and flooding coupled with warmer temperatures can produce more mosquitoes. If you plan to visit an area that has recently experienced heavy rain or you are travelling to wetlands or forested areas, you should expect mosquitoes to be present.

Check that your accommodation, including caravans, camper trailers, tents and swags, have fly screens fitted.

You can buy tents that are pre-treated with insecticide, or you can purchase products from camping stores which you can apply to tents and swags to repel mosquitoes.

  1. Use a mosquito net that is treated with a residual insecticide when sleeping outdoors, including in a tent, swag or cabin.

Pack enough insect repellent and make sure the product contains either picaridin or DEET, which are repellent ingredients currently regarded as providing the most effective protection. If you have a preferred repellent, make sure you pack it because you may not be able to purchase your favourite product where you are going.

Apply repellent to all areas of exposed skin. Keep a small amount of repellent (e.g. a roll-on) handy so you can apply it as soon as you arrive at your camp or hunting area.

Reapply repellent as required, which may be more frequent if sweating or in wet conditions.

  1. Pack mosquito coils and candles containing insecticide to use at camp sites.

Mosquitoes can bite through tight clothing.

Wear loose-fitting long-sleeved shirts and pants and ensure you wear socks and shoes. Make sure the cuffs around your ankles and wrists are firm so mosquitoes can’t fly under your clothes.

  1. Apply repellent to all remaining exposed skin. Mosquitoes can also bite your scalp, so wear a loose hat.

The two main mosquito-borne diseases spread by mosquitoes in Victoria are Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus. People may become infected without becoming unwell, or may develop joint swelling and pain, fatigue, muscle aches, headache or rash. Symptoms usually resolve within several weeks but lethargy, joint and muscle pain can persist for many months. Blood tests are required to confirm infection. If you are concerned that you may have contracted a mosquito-borne disease, see a medical practitioner as soon as possible.

Blue-green algae

Duck hunters should be aware of the dangers of hunting in waters affected by blue-green algae. Blue-green algae is potentially toxic and can be dangerous to both humans and dogs if ingested.

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Blue-green algae blooms can be common at the start of the duck season when high water temperatures, high light intensity and little rainfall create the perfect environment for the algae to grow. While there may be information signs warning of blue-green algae affected water, there may not be. Therefore, hunters should be on the lookout for the signs of blue-green algae affected water. A bloom or scum may be visible across the water surface. Blooms range in colour from dark-green to yellowish brown, and algae may be present on the water surface that can look like green paint, thick scum or “pea soup”.

The Chief Health Officer advises that blue-green algae may produce toxins that affect human health. The only way to determine whether toxins are produced is through testing. Do not consume any water or let your pets consume any water that may be affected by blue-green algae.

Water affected by blue-green algae can cause health effects in humans which include skin irritation and rashes, gastroenteritis, headache, fevers, muscle weakness, seizures and respiratory failure.

Follow advice on any information signs in affected areas and avoid contact with the water until authorities advise there is no longer a health risk.

If you think you are experiencing symptoms related to exposure to blue-green algae, seek medical attention immediately.

There is limited research in how ducks are affected by blue-green algae. Studies have shown that toxins can accumulate in the internal organs of fish and possibly ducks. As a precaution, discard the internal organs (particularly the liver) of ducks and rinse the duck with clean water prior to cooking and eating. Offal should not be eaten.

Dogs are particularly susceptible to poisoning by blue-green algae and dog deaths have been reported after swimming in or drinking affected water. Protect your dog by keeping it from swimming in or ingesting water suspected to be affected by blue-green algae.

The offal from ducks that have come into contact with affected waterways should not be fed to dogs.

In the event of potential exposure, wash your dog thoroughly with fresh water before drying so they do not swallow algae while grooming their fur. Watch your dog for signs of poisoning, including lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea and seizures. If your dog shows any of these symptoms, contact a veterinarian immediately.

If you suspect water to be contaminated with blue-green algae, take the following precautions:

Avoid wading, unless you are wearing undamaged waders

Do not consume the water, or allow your dog to consume the water

Do not eat the offal of any ducks taken from contaminated wetlands, lakes and waterways, or feed the offal to your dog

Do not let your dog submerse itself in the water and, if it does, wash your dog thoroughly in clean water (wearing gloves) before it starts to groom or lick itself

Avoid using blue-green algae affected water and use alternative sources

Be aware that boiling algal water does not remove toxins from the water.

Avian botulism

Avian botulism is a serious neuromuscular illness of birds caused by a toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Avian botulism can be a major cause of mortality in wild birds.

Avian botulism typically results in paralysis. Waterbirds may not be able to hold their head up and as a result, often drown. Gulls can often walk, but not fly. Other birds may drag one or both wings, exhibiting poor posture while standing.

The symptoms or botulism are similar to those of avian influenza, so if you see clusters of five or more sick or dead wild birds of any species, or one sick or dead penguin, pelican, bird of prey, black swan or marine mammal, report it immediately to the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) by using this form or by calling 136 186 or the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Fish infected with botulism may flounder or swim erratically near the surface of the water and they may have trouble staying right-side up. Infected fish usually die quickly and are most likely to be seen washed up on shore.

Precautions should be taken when harvesting fish or game ducks — they should not be harvested or eaten if they are sick or acting abnormally. Prevent pets from eating potentially infected fish, birds or maggots.

For more information about the causes and signs and symptoms of avian botulism, visit: Agriculture Victoria.


PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of manufactured chemicals. There are thousands of types of PFAS, including:

  • perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)
  • perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)
  • perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS).

PFAS has heat, water and stain repelling properties and is used in a range of industrial and consumer products including fire retardants, water-proofing, non-stick cookware, food preparation, food packaging, furnishings, clothing and recreational equipment.

PFAS are a concern because they can persist for a long time, both in the environment and in humans. Most of us are exposed to low levels of PFAS. This may be from using products that contain PFAS compounds, or from eating food or drinking water with PFAS in it. There is no consistent evidence that PFAS are harmful to human health, however there is still uncertainty therefore the Environment Protection Authority recommends a precautionary approach and encourages Victorians to reduce their exposure to PFAS.

Until more is known about PFAS, the EPA recommends not consuming (or limiting consumption of) any game ducks harvested from wetlands affected by PFAS.

Wetlands known to be affected by PFAS include:

  • Heart Morass
  • Dowd Morass
  • Macleod Morass
  • Hospital Swamp

Please see the Environment Protection Authority's fact sheet about consumption of waterfowl at the above wetlands.

For information about PFAS in Victoria, visit About PFAS | Environment Protection Authority Victoria


Lead is a toxic heavy metal with no biological function. It is toxic to all animals, including humans, with no safe level of exposure. This means that the ingestion of even small quantities of lead can have negative health impacts on people and wildlife.

Lead shot is prohibited for all gamebird hunting in Victoria. Hunters are required to use non-toxic shot only.

The previous exemption that allowed lead shot to be used in muzzleloading, Damascus steel, or twist-barrelled shotguns has been removed under the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024 and now only non-toxic shot can be used with these firearms. Non-toxic shot options are listed in Schedule 6 of the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024.

Lead is still permitted for use in deer hunting ammunition but hunters should be aware of the potential risks associated with using and consuming lead and, where possible, seek lead-free alternatives.

Lead can be hazardous to human health when taken into the body by swallowing or breathing in lead or materials contaminated with lead. Once in the body, lead circulates in the blood and can be stored in the bones. For more information on lead and its effects on human health, visit The Department of Health. For information on risks in using lead-based ammunition in deer hunting, see Environmental and health risks of lead bullets for deer hunting.

Page last updated: 17 Feb 2025