Wetland management process
Closed or further regulated hunting areas
Hunting areas can be further regulated or closed through a legal notice prior to, or during the duck season
Further regulation or closure can occur for a number of reasons, including to protect rare and threatened species or to avoid disturbance to colonially breeding waterbirds.
Further regulation can involve additional restrictions on hunting times, equipment and hunting methods. If a closure is required, then this can involve either a partial closure or a full closure of a hunting area.
Further regulated or closed wetlands are monitored throughout the duck season. If the reason for further regulation or closure no longer exists, the legal notice can be revoked.
Wetland management process
Since 1987, various government agencies and departments have monitored selected Victorian wetlands to provide information on game duck distribution and abundance, waterbird breeding and, importantly, any concentrations of rare or threatened species and colonially breeding waterbirds. The collected data is used to consider whether wetlands should be closed to duck hunting to protect non-game or breeding waterbirds, including waterfowl.
The process below outlines the wetland closure process.